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Self Employed Mortgage
A specialist Self-Employed Mortgage Broker
Trustworthy Self-Employed Mortgage Broker
If you are self-employed or a contractor wondering if it is possible to get a mortgage, get in touch with DJB Mortgages. We are a professional trustworthy Self-Employed Mortgage Broker who can assist. Whether you are a sole trader, company director, CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) worker, IT contractor or any other type of self-employed worker, we can help and advise you on your mortgage.
Acting as a specialist mortgage broker for self-employed applicants is one of our specialist services. Thanks to our experience and knowledge, we can find the most suitable mortgage for you.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
Self-Employed Mortgage Advice
Obtaining a mortgage when you are self-employed can be stressful, so why not let DJB Mortgages, a specialist self-employed mortgage broker, do the hard work for you?
We know that sometimes the banks do not fully understand how you are paid. With our help, we can advise you on a mortgage that is tailor-made for your self-employed status.
Sole Trader Mortgage Advice
Getting a mortgage when you are a sole trader might feel overwhelming. Many people have the perception that banks & building societies will look to take an average of your latest 2-years net profit. It isn't always the case. Let DJB Mortgages, a Self-Employed Mortgage Broker specialist, make your life more relaxing and take care of your mortgage needs. Thanks to our experience, knowledge and relationship with lenders, we can consider the possibility of using your latest year's net profit.
Do not worry if you have only submitted 1-years accounts. We understand that you are in the first stage of your entrepreneurial adventure; therefore, you may still be able to gain a mortgage. Get in touch with DJB Mortgages and leave it in our capable hands.
Ltd Company Director Mortgage Advice
Being an Ltd company Director might sometimes feel like you are employed through your own company because you receive monthly payments through the PAYE scheme. Through the eyes of a mortgage lender, you are treated as self-employed when you own more than 20% of your limited company.
Did you know that this can work in your favour? This is where the advice and knowledge of DJB Mortgages come into play, as we will look at both scenarios and advise you on which one works best for your circumstances. We can look at your income in 2 different ways to ensure that we are using as much income as possible. We have relationships with major mortgage lenders that will either use your salary plus dividend payments or, if you decided to leave profit within the company, we have lenders that will utilise the salary and company profits.
We can access these specialist lenders due to DJB Mortgages being a trading name of Just Mortgages Direct Limited which is an Appointed Representative of The Openwork Partnership, a trading style of Openwork Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Openwork Partnership is one of the UK’s largest Financial Advice networks, with over 4,500 advisers and in excess of 700 appointed representatives based throughout the UK. This gives us the backing of one of the largest financial advice networks and inturn allows us access to semi-exclusive and exclusive mortgage deals.
CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) Mortgage Advice
Did you know that if you are a CIS subcontractor we can use your contractual rate, rather than your self-employed profits?
It is excellent news for those CIS workers with low profits or those without 2-year track history with the self-employed sector. One of the main points though is we need to see a track record of 1-years CIS statements. You can stay rest assured that we will use a lender that will look at you as employed rather than self-employed. We will also structure your income in the best possible way, as some lenders will take an average of the last 3-months and others the last 12.
Get in touch with DJB Mortgages and let us explain the full process to you.

Contractors Mortgage Advice
Being a contractor can sometimes be a minefield when trying to get a mortgage. You may walk into the bank or building society, and they will use your tax returns, and these may not show much profit or salary and dividends being drawn from the company.
We understand that you structure your income for tax purpose, and this is where our experience at DJB Mortgages comes into play again. As an experienced Sef-Employed Mortgage Broker, we consider this fact and always focus on finding the lender that matches your circumstances around income and borrowing potential. We have our proven methods and can look to use your day rate rather than the tax returns of the Ltd Company.
Do not delay, and get in touch today.